Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Stage 11 - Santo Domingo de la Calzada to Belorado

Where We Are Tonight:  Belorado                    Miles Hiked Today: 14.2 (22.9 km)

Miles Hiked Overall:  146.9 (236.4 km)            Miles to Santiago:  338.1 (544.1 km)

Steps Taken Today:  40,989                   

Blister Count: same as yesterday but K has even more on the bottom of her foot and her little toe is completely covered in blisters

Spanish Word of the Day:   bocadillo (sandwich)

What We Learned Today:  They say that by now our bodies are supposed to be conditioned and our walking is supposed to be easier; they lie.

Today was another beautiful day.  We are once again putting on a lot of sun screen as the afternoons are hot.  But the late afternoon also brought an awesome breeze that kept us from completely burning up.

Can you see all of the pilgrims walking along, almost dwarfed by the wheat fields in the photo below?

Today was mostly just a long haul.  After staying in albergues the last few days, we treated ourselves to a small hotel tonight.   What luxury! 

“You don't quit walking because you get old..... You get old because you quit walking”.
