Miles Hiked Overall: 262.2 (422.0 km) Miles to Santiago: 222.8 (358.5 km)
Steps Taken Today: 42, 795 Blister Count: It's better left unsaid
Spanish Word of the Day: dolor (pain)
What We Learned Today: A slice of citrus elevates the taste of any drink.
We started the day going through Moratinos. There we saw these cool bodegas, which are little caves that people have carved into a hillside. They were traditionally used for storage of food and wine. People still occasionally use them now but many have been turned into party rooms. This hillside had maybe 10 bodegas.
Then we walked through San Nicolas. We were expecting to see Santa Claus or at least hear piped-in Christmas music but none of that appeared. As we were walking out of town, we did see a Renault Elf car, though!
Pam can't figure out where her third Coke of the day has gone!
“Walking is the only form of transportation in which a man proceeds erect - like a man - on his own legs, under his own power. There is immense satisfaction in that.”
―Edward Abbey
―Edward Abbey