Where We Are Tonight: Santo Domingo de la Calzada Miles Hiked Today: 9.4 (15.2 km)
Miles Hiked Overall: 132.7 (213.5 km) Miles to Santiago: 352.3 (567.0 km)
Steps Taken Today: 32,279 Blister Count: same as yesterday...
Spanish Word of the Day: sol (sun)
What We Learned Today: Don't go into the first albergue you see in town just because it looks cool (and you're exhausted); it could be gross.
Today was another short day for housing reasons and also because there was a lot we wanted to do in Santo Domingo. When we were watching TV while having breakfast, I was surprised to see that on the international news portion, they said that today was the primary in Oregon! Good thing I voted before we left home.
We can now add the following countries to the pilgrim list: Romania, Ukraine, Hungary, Colombia, Bulgaria, South Africa, and Japan. We also met 2 people from Seattle and another from Tennessee.
The first thing we wanted to do in Santo Domingo was to visit the cathedral because of the very famous Camino story that goes with it. What a sight to see 2 chickens inside the church! The remains of Santo Domingo, a huge Camino supporter in his time, are also in the church. Here is the legend of the miracle of Santo Domingo:
The most famous miracle, however, concerns that of the rooster and the chicken, which is said to
have taken place at Santo Domingo de la Calzada. The story goes that in the 14th century, a
German 18-year-old named Hugonell, from Xanten, goes on pilgrimage to Santiago de
Compostela with his parents. A Spanish girl at the hostel where they were staying makes sexual
advances toward Hugonell; Hugonell rejects her advances. Angry at this, the girl hides a silver
cup in the German’s bag and then informs the authorities that the youth had taken it. Hugonell is
sentenced to the gallows, in accordance with the laws of Alfonso X of Castile.
The parents sadly decide to examine their son’s body, still hanging on the gallows, but suddenly
hear his voice –he tells them that Saint Dominic has saved his life. His parents quickly make their
way to Santiago de Compostela to see the magistrate. The magistrate, who is at the time eating
dinner, remarks: "Your son is as alive as this rooster and chicken that I was feasting on before you
interrupted me." And in that moment, the two birds jump from the plate and begin to sing and
crow happily.
We got all of our 9 errands accomplished in Santo Domingo...that was awesome!...and even had time for a helados (ice cream) before having dinner and drinks with quite a few fellow peregrinos.
“There was never a pilgrim that did not come back to his own village with one less prejudice and one more idea.”