Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Stage 4 - Pamplona to Puente la Reina

Where We Are Tonight:  Puente la Reina                  Miles Hiked Today:  14.6 (23.5 km)

Miles Hiked Overall:  57.0 (91.7 km)                        Miles to Santiago:  428.0 (688.8 km)

Steps Taken Today: 42,876                                      Blister Count:  2 (K)

Spanish Word of the Day: sol (sun)

What We Learned Today: Do not wash your shoes in the toilet!  (A sign seen at the albergue.)

Today we were out about 8 hours.  We hiked out of Pamplona and back into the countryside and small villages.

We hiked to the top of a hill full of wind turbines and a very popular pilgrim statue.  I've read about this and seen photos of it so many times and it was so exciting to see it in person!

 Pam eating a typical pilgrim breakfast: cafe con leche, a cheese sandwich, something sweet and orange juice.
The Camino for most of the day was through beautiful fields.  The colors are so intense and lovely.

Today we can add Korea and Canada to our list of places from where we've met pilgrims.

We also learned that applying sunscreen 2 times is not enough in one day for the intense Spanish sun.  We ended the day quite crispy and red.  We made it into a town this afternoon and we decided we needed a real hotel instead of a hostel so I actually have internet that works well!!

"You don't choose a life, you live one" 

Emilio Estevez in The Way