Thursday, June 9, 2016

Stage 31 - Portomarin to Palas de Rei

Where We Are Tonight:  Palas de Rei                Miles Hiked Today: 15.2 (24.5 km)

Miles Hiked Overall: 441.9 (711.2 km)               Miles to Santiago:  43.1 (69.3 km)

Steps Taken Today:  45,264                              Blister Count: lots of bandages used...

Spanish Word of the Day: nubes (clouds)

What We Learned Today:  The closer we get to Santiago,  the more things cost. 

Today was another long day but we were very thankful for some clouds and a nice cool breeze that at times came to us and helped us get up the steep parts.  

The photo doesn't really show it well but there are so many people on the Camino now!  It's especially busy in the morning when everyone is heading out at the same time.   It's not necessarily bad, it's just a different experience to have so many bodies around and making noise.   Today we walked with a group of kids from Barcelona on a school trip and at least 2 bus loads of other groups.  The photo of me in the beautiful forest all by myself was taken much later in the day when we either outpaced or outlasted the newbies!

Because of all the peregrinos now on the Camino, there is tourist stuff all over, frequent bars/restaurants, and higher prices for everything.   We found a place for a snack this afternoon that was perhaps the most idyllic spot - shaded deck, comfy chairs, cold drinks and nobody else!  It was wonderful!

3 more days to go!!

"Somewhere between the start of the trail and the end is the mystery of why we walk."
