Friday, June 10, 2016

Stage 32 - Palas de Rei to Ribadiso da Baixo

Where We Are Tonight:   Ribadiso da Baixo           Miles Hiked Today: 16.2 (26.0 km)

Miles Hiked Overall:  458.1 (737.2 km)                  Miles to Santiago: 26.2 (41.8 km)

Steps Taken Today:  47,898        

Blister Count:  K's are mostly healed...can't say the same for P.

Spanish Word of the Day:  vaca (cow)

What We Learned Today:  Be careful when you party with Irish just might be at it all night.

We are getting close to the end!!  Today we saw the first road sign pointing to Santiago!  It can't be far now. 

The wildflowers continue to be abundant.  Some are new to us and others are just new to our Camino.   We continue to love to stop and photograph and smell them all.

Another sign that were getting closer to Santiago is that there are more depictions and statues of St. James all over.   Here he is on the altar of a small church. 

Today we saw our first burro carrying equipment for a peregrino.  I guess that's done occasionally but I think it would be difficult.   Especially since everyone had to stop and pet him!  Besides the obvious waking and biking, the only other possible way you can do the Camino officially is on horseback.   Although we've seen plenty of evidence of horses, we've only seen them carry peregrinos once; to the top of O Ceberio, a steep mountain.  (By the way, we wanted to do this but all of the horses were rented out the day we got there.  Pam was really bummed.)

We are now walking through beautiful forests of Eucalyptus trees.  It smells so wonderful!

Along the path today, we came upon this man cooking octopus.   It is still eaten everywhere around here.

We had the best night chatting away with fellow pilgrims and new friends.  We came from all parts of the world and spoken different languages at times but we had the best evening together.  There was storytelling,  singing, eating ad such wonderful camaraderie.   And then the local cows came through the festivities on their way to get milked .  Just another typical Camino evening.

2 more days to go!!

"The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page." 

―St Augustine