Sunday, May 15, 2016

Stage 8 - Logroño to Navarrete

Where We Are Tonight:  Navarrete                      Miles Hiked Today:  8.1 (13.0 km)

Miles Hiked Overall:  109.7 (176.5 km)               Miles to Santiago:  375.3 (604.0 km)

Steps Taken Today:  24.674                               Blister Count:  1 (P), 3 (K, all but 1 doing better)

Spanish Word of the Day:  pinchos (appetizers)

What We Learned Today:  Plan ahead - even though it's not always possible.

Since yesterday was so long and then very frustrating with the whole finding-a-bed fiasco, we decided to give ourselves a small break today.  Another reason to take it easier today is that K is having blister pain and P is having back pain.  So, we only walked a few miles to a cute little village called Navarrete.   

We actually had.some time to sit around, walk around the town a little and sit at a bar for dinner....which was AWESOME!  We don't get to play tourist very often on this trip.  At the bar, we decided to forgo the typical pilgrim menu, which consists, typically, of a starter like a salad or soup or pasta, a main dish of some meat and potatoes or veggies and then a dessert.  Spain is famous for its appetizers  (called pinchos in this part of Spain) so that's what we went for.  Below are the pictures of our 3-course meal.  FABULOUS!

We can add the following countries to the list where pilgrims we've met are from:  Great Britain, Venezuela,  Belgium and Singapore.   The cute little old man from Singapore stood at the top of a hill and cheered us on as we climbed up today.   At the top we thanked him for his support and we started talking.  When he asked us where we were from and we said, "Oregon", and his face lit up.  He said his daughter went to U of O and they both love it there.  He said,  "I love Oregon State Ducks!"  We straighten him up on that one small detail but that was way cool.

We see a lot of graffiti and some of it is even written for the pilgrims.  When we've had a particularly hard day we will try to keep the following sign in mind...

"Your soul knows the geography of your destiny and the map of your future. Trust this side of yourself. It will take you where you need to go but it will also teach you a kindness of rhythm in your journey"

― John O'Donohue

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I'm m just so proud of you Karen! Try not to think of how far you have left but how far you have come! Keep it up and enjoy the adventure. I think it was smart of you to take a break and just take in your surroundings. I remember when i trained for my first marathon..when i got to Hawaii i was so overwhelmed with what was in front of me that i forgot how far i had come and tried to just focus on the next milestone and only those miles think of each day as a mini race and at the end of the day cheer "I did it, i mafe it to the next stage" Here's a verse that i held dear to my heart throughout my training that i hope gives you comfort and inspires you on your journey. Isaiah 40:31. They that wait upon the Lord will renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run ��and not be weary they shall walk ��and not faint. Stay strong I'm praying for no more blisters! ❤ u girl!
