Monday, May 30, 2016

Stage 22 - Leon to San Martín del Camino

Where We Are Tonight: San Martín del Camino            Miles Hiked Today: 16.2 (26.1 km)

Miles Hiked Overall: 307.5 (494.9 km)                        Miles to Santiago: 177.5 (285.6 km)

Steps Taken Today:  45,811      

Blister Count: Pam has 2 kinda infected toes and.K just has issues on her right foot now

Spanish Word of the Day: perro (dog)

What We Learned Today: Going off the beaten path - even of you've taken over 40,000 steps that day - can be worth it.

Today we hiked out of Leon.   On our way out of town, we found perhaps the most famous peregrino statue.  He looked like he was finally getting some rest so we didn't disturb him.  When I see his thin little sandals I cant really complain about my feet.

 Leon is a fairly big town and it took us quite a while to get out of it and back into the countryside.   Finally some more beautiful flowers.

Did you realize that Madrid's soccer team won the European championship?  That's all they're talking about here!  I'm thinking that Spain should really pay me to live here during futbol season because clearly I bring them good luck.  Last time I was here, Spain won the World Cup!

There are many people assisting peregrinos nowadays, offering them many services.along the way.   I guess many people start the Camino in Leon.  It only get more crowded from here on out, everyone says.  The town of Sarrria is where the big influx will happen because that's where the last 100K starts.   I hear way more English now which is sad but it's all for the tourists.

We stayed at a wonderful hostel in San Martin.   It was off the beaten path which we usually try to avoid because it means additional walking, and when we were walking there at the end of the day we commented that it better be worth it, and it totally was.

"Dog" is the word of the day because this hostel had a great one named Cooper.   The Camino in the past has had a reputation for many vicious dogs along the way.  We've seen many dogs but most, along with every other animal we've seen, can hardly be bothered to give you a look.  Some, though,  have been great and made our day with their friendliness.

“Never give up.  When your heart becomes too tired just walk with your legs – but move on.”

―Paulo Coelho


  1. So glad the extra steps off the beaten path were worth it! Tough decisions on a journey of ~500 miles. Love the friendly doggie! Keep up the good spirits! You go girls! Renee

  2. Karen, I had to chuckle a little bit when you mentioned that you were a good luck charm... You need to play that up. ;)

    And I noticed that the statue had his sandles off... I would have taken that as a sign of how his feet were feeling... Are you sure that he wasn't deep in prayer (not sleeping) because his feet were torn up like yours and Pam's? LOL
    Pam, hope your toes don't continue to be infected. Both of you have had a tough time of it with your feet. We all need to send up prayers for healed feet!
    Keep on trekking ladies. You are AWESOME!
